Emboldened by Their Successful Deplatforming of Infowars — Democrats Start Push to Stamp Out FOX News

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
By Paul Martin

by Jim Hoft
August 7, 2018

On Monday Facebook caved to the leftist media mob demanding censorship of InfoWars and permanently banned their page.

Google-YouTube followed suit and also terminated the InfoWars Account.

The tech tyrants launched a coordinated attack on Alex Jones and Infowars.

But Democrats and their media already have their sights on a much bigger target.

Facebook scheduled a public event with reporters last month to promote the new Facebook Watch video feature.

The situation turned ugly when the invited “news reporters” screamed about Facebook allowing FOX News and Infowars on their platform.

Ricky Van Veen, Head of Global Creative Strategy and Fidji Simo, Director of Product at Facebook, had combative exchanges with reporters at an event to promote Facebook Watch in Beverly Hills on Wednesday. (Daily Mail)

The fact that far left “reporters” called on Facebook to ban FOX News from their platform was a new leap for the American left.

If Democrats and their mainstream media want FOX News eliminated from Facebook — the largest and most successful news organization in America today — then it is safe to say the American left wants ALL conservative publishers banned from the social media platform.

Democrat Senator Chris Murphy said as much yesterday.

And last weekend New York City communist Mayor Bill de Blasio discussed the role of FOX News on American culture and what a wonderful world it would be if there were no opposing voices to the Democrat Party’s insanity.

The Rest…HERE

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