Yes, Ambien makes people do insane, crazy things with no conscious awareness … See the list

Wednesday, June 6, 2018
By Paul Martin

by: Isabelle Z.
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Roseanne Barr might be a polarizing figure, but if anything good has come from the recent Twitter fiasco that culminated in the cancellation of her TV show, it’s the fact that the sleeping drug Ambien has been thrust into the spotlight and people are talking about just how crazy it can make them act.

In case you’re not familiar with the story, the comedienne sent out a Tweet in which she made some tasteless comments about Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett’s appearance, saying she looked like “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.”

ABC responded swiftly by canceling her popular TV show; Barr claimed she made the comments while under the influence of Ambien. While many of those offended by her comment felt the Ambien mention was little more than a silly excuse, those who have taken the drug know it’s a real possibility. In fact, this story pales in comparison to some of the other Ambien horror tales users have shared online.

Ambien maker Sanofi was quick to Tweet that “racism is not a known side effect” of the med, which was a clever way to divert attention away from the actual known side effects of the drug – effects that are so serious and frequent that they appear in the pamphlet that comes with the pills.

In fact, according to, the drug’s warning reads that side effects include:

Unexpected changes in behaviour. These have included rage reactions, confusion and other forms of unwanted behaviour. Sleep walking, driving motor vehicles and other unusual, and on some occasions dangerous, behaviours while apparently asleep.

These have also included preparing and eating food, making phone calls or having sexual intercourse. People experiencing these effects have had no memory of the events.

Here’s a look at some of the disturbing behaviors this drug causes. (Related: Are you riding the sleeping pill death-train?)

Ambien texting
We’ll start with what has put the sleeping pill in the news lately: Ambien texting. While it might not excuse Barr’s behavior, she’d hardly be the first one to send such messages while taking Ambien. One user messaged friends about men in masks carrying him away on his bed in a Louisiana swamp; he had no idea until a concerned friend showed him a printout of the messages the next day and said he almost called 911. Others have sent embarrassing messages to friends, family members, co-workers and strangers – sometimes with cringe-worthy photos attached.


The Rest…HERE

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