Average People Presenting Evidence That America Is Under Attack

Thursday, April 26, 2018
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
April 26th, 2018

I allege that Washington DC is going to be destroyed and the cpaital will be moved to Denver. Before this occurs, the resistance to the coup that will takeover America, must be eliminated thorugh an EMP attack. I have previously detailed how the UN, using its foreign troops, already embedded in several locations in the United States will be involved in this coup.

I am beginning to see some of my colleagues coming to the same conclusions as I have. Most interestingly, everyday people are seeing it as well and they are sending me their stories and evidence.

There is no doubt in my mind that Deep State and its allies with the UN are close to intiating a coup to sto pthe prosecutions of their top minions.

In this article, I am going to let other journalists present their side of things. The conclusion is still the same, America, prepare to defend yourself.

Storm Clouds Gathering

On April 21st, 2018, on Alex Jones Infowars channel titled, “Exclusive! CIA Warns Of Massive Terror Attacks Targeting The US,” In Alex’s presentation made on his 4/21 show, he gives credit to his source, a CIA operative, has a great track record. Jones stated that the Deep State is prepared to attack, via terrorist mode, in the U.S. in order to dismantle the Trump administration.

I have an ARSOF source that has told me numerous times over the past six weeks that these coming attacks, both chemcial and EMP, are designed to derail the coming prosecutions of Comey, Clinton, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok and Page.

Lisa Haven Provides Additional Confirmation

My friend and colleague, Lisa Haven, has stumbled upon addditional information that would seem to indicate that the coming EMP attacks are going to be national, in scope, and extend far beyond what I have demonstrated in the past 48 hours with regard to the clear intention of the United Nations to bring the grid in Colorado prior to the takeover and establishing Denver as the new capital.

From Lisa Haven News:

All this happens as the Wisconsin National Guard prepares for their full-scale training exercise known as Dark Sky, a drill that will prepare for a possible long-term mass power outage. The drill is scheduled for May 15-17 in multiple counties.

But do these two events have anything in common? All that and more below…

Question: How many times have we seen a SNAP drill go live and the drill becomes reality? Please allow me to partially jog your memory. There was the Boston Marathon Bombing, the London Subway Bombing and of course the King of them all, 911.

Foreign Troops Broadcasting Mock Troop Movements In Preparation for War
I have previously received information on foreign broadcasts going out over the air, late at night, in which it appeared that foreign troop movementss were being broadcast, or directed. The last one was from the Sacramento area and the broadcast was in Chinese. I purposely held this information close to the vest because I was certain these events had national security implications and I turned the inforation over to trusted sources. I turned the information over to some of my best sources. These sources have confirmed for me that these broadcasts are coded updates designed for troops in the field and foreign operatives embedded in public utilities and other governmental entities. Yes, I am speaking about sleeper agents and sleeper cells. I will not reveal the contents of the two previous reports becuase it could compromise a source. However, there is another report of the same phenomena in Central Oregon.

Dave, tonight my family was discussing a radio station here in Central Oregon that seems to have been taken over by German, Russian, and Chinese. They took me out to their car and had me listen to the station. It was a popular 80’s station. WAS! They turned it on and it sounded exactly like code in a foreign language. My son picked up some numbers in German. Then a few minutes later it changed to Chinese.
It is 93.7 in Central Oregon. I was shocked at what I heard. It sounded like when the French Resistance was getting the code from the allies in old WW2 movies. Really scared me. This is not going out 24/7 but occasionally…
My phone number is xxx xxx xxxx I am Sxxxx Mxxxxxx and I live in Prineville Oregon.
P.S. I also sent an email to SQ

This is the third report of this type that I have received since January of 2018.

Russians In Colorado

The Rest…HERE

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