U.S. Citizens Fund UN Arms Trade Treaty Which Impacts U.S. Gun Ownership

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
By Paul Martin

By Catherine J. Frompovich
APRIL 25, 2018

Recently, I received an email from U.S. Senator Rand Paul regarding an issue which may upset, or be near and dear to, the hearts of many Americans; it stated the USA taxpayer is the second largest DIRECT financial funder of the U.N.’s global gun ban! Did you know that? Of course, most people probably don’t, and such information is one of the reasons I’ve been saying for umpteen years, “Get the USA out of the UN; get the UN out of the USA.”

Ever since I can remember having gained some “political senses or savvy many years ago,” I truly feel the UN is a one world government oligarchy [noun: oligarchy; a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. Ref: Online Dictionary] – in this case, the entire world population – whose agenda is total global control over every aspect of every person’s and humankind’s overall life, living, sovereignty, freedoms and technology advances to promote what has been revealed as the UN’s overarching agenda, i.e., Agenda 21 [1] and Agenda 2030 [2] with total subservience from every nation state and its population!

The above ‘”absolutism” is anathema to the laws of Nature and Nature’s Creator!

Adolph Hitler was striving for that control and his grand scheme literally was shot down (World War II). But somehow it has resurfaced as the ultimate way to go in making humankind subservient to technology and a one-world oligarchy that, in my opinion, encompasses much of what communism—sometimes referred to as “socialism” and the perceived new direction the USA is taking—entails with new attractions, i.e., technology, but without the recognizable trappings displayed by the men and despots who forced it upon their countries, i.e., Russia (1917, then its subsequent Soviet Union devouring Eastern European and other countries to form the USSR; Mao Zedong in China (1949); Fidel Castro in Cuba (1959); North Korea’s Kim family (1948); Laos (1975); and the Hugo Chavez brand of communism he preferred to label “socialism” (c. 1997).

The Rest…HERE

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