Like 1941 Japan, Is China Being Provoked to Start WW III?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
March 27th, 2018

Ever since President Trump introduced tariffs on Chinese products, the Chinese have greatly increased their naval presence in the South China Sea. Countries from Vietnam, to the Philippines, to Taiwan and Australia are fearful of China’s next move. China is in a similar position as to what Japan was in during the period from 1929-1941. They need natural resources to cover their expanding industrial base and the US is blocking them at every turn just like the US did in the 1930’s. Prior to WW II, the US created something called the 8 point plan (MCollum Memo). Eventually, this caused Japan to respond to the interference with its trade and attack Pearl Harbor. Is this what the Trump administration is doing? Is Trump still in charge of his administration. A decided shift occured when Bolton joined the Trump adminisration.

The McCollum Memo: The 8 Point Plan

Fleeing Jewish scientists from Nazi occupied Europe, who came to America, were desperate to speak with President Franklin Roosevelt about the fact that the Germans were making progress toward building nuclear weapons. Combined with Germany’s developing rocket program, the simultaneous development of the two, would have meant world domination. Eventually, Einstein, who had a path to FDR was used, and FDR was made aware of these developments. This began the development of America’s journey into the development of its first set of atomic bombs.

Unknown to the fleeing German scientists, Werner Heisenburg, the leader of the German Uranium club was purposely keeping Hitler from getting these weapons by telling him it is too expensive, to many unknown variables, etc. At the end of the war, after Hiroshima was attacked with an atomic bomb, British Intelligence, holding Heisenburg at the Wimbley House, told him. He promptly sat down and sketched out how the bomb would have been detonated. He knew how to perfectt the use of nuclear weapons all along. He is one of the unsung heroes of World War II. However, none of the fleeing scientists or even FDR were aware of this and they were proceeding on the premise that the Germans were far ahead of them.

Subsequently, FDR had his people develop a plan to get America into WWII in order to stop Germany’s development of nuclear weapons, which was problematic because the American people were determined to stay isolationist. FDR had to have his people devise a plot that would anger the people so much, that they would deman war. Certainly, provoking an attack on Pearl Harbor which would kill nearly 2,400 Americans, sink 21 ships and destroy almost 350 planes on the ground, would do the trick. Out of the noise came the McCollum Memo. I bring this to the readers attention not to recite history, but rather tell you that the same set of provoking actions have been set into motion to provoke an incident with China.

I have often said that China is 1929 Japan. They have industrialist expansion dreams, but lack sufficiet resources to fuel the expansion. The American military and diplomatic corps are taking advantage of this weakness in order to provoke conflict as an excuse to start with Syria and Iran. This will bring in Russia and WW III will commence.

President Trump is deliberately provoking China with a trade war which will culminate with a major incident either against Taiwan (eg blockade) or a direct confrontation between military vessels in the disputed South China Sea. What lies ahead? The answer to that question will be covered in the latter part of this article. First, let’s take a look at the original McCollum memo from pre-World War II which was designed to get us into the war so we could defeat Germany before they could nuke us and our allies.

It is interesting to note that the day after Pearl Harbor, we declared war on Germany as well as Japan. Germany had not attacked Pearl Harbor. Even more damning, we developed a “defeat Germany first” Pentagon strategy. These facts are all smoking guns for World War II. There is additional complicating factors which shows that America provoked Japan. However, that is another article on another day. The only purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the Trump administration, or the Deep State without Trump’s approval, has set us on a course of war that will begin with provoking the Chinese in the same manner that the Japanese were provoked in WW II. Establishing the base of this argument begins with the presentation of the McCollum Memo 8 Point Plan

Provoking Japan

The Rest…HERE

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