The PC perversion of our language has spread to private schools where “gendered” terms like “husband” and “wife” are under attack

Monday, March 12, 2018
By Paul Martin

by: Ethan Huff
Monday, March 12, 2018

The cancerous spread of political correctness in Western society is creeping its way into private education, according to new reports.

The University of Dayton, a moderately-sized college with Roman Catholic roots, is apparently adopting the ways of the world in pushing its students not to use “gendered” pronouns like “husband” and “wife” when referring to the nuclear family unit.

Instead, the college wants students to remain gender-neutral in the way they speak so as not to offend anyone – taking a page from the manifesto of cultural Marxism that has all but completely infected the realm of public education.

In a statement posted to the University of Dayton’s Women’s Center web page – because where else would such nonsense live? – the school tried to defend its new recommendations towards political correctness with even more PC-speak:

“As a Catholic [and] Marianist university, we are guided by our mission to foster an educational community that welcomes and includes all people,” the page states. “As a Christian and educational community, we recognize that every person has innate dignity because all people are made in the image and likeness of God, and we seek to create an environment where all persons feel respected, safe and valued,” it adds.

A few examples of the “gender inclusive language” that the school is pushing based on this argument include:

• No longer using the term “man-made,” but rather referring to everything as being “manufactured” or “synthetic”

• Avoiding the use of the word “manpower,” and instead calling it a “workforce” or “labor”

• Abandoning all references to things like “best man for the job” and “gentleman’s agreement” that refer to men, and replacing such references with “persons” or “people”

• Ditching common words like “mailman,” “fireman,” and “salesman” – because men are evil, of course – and using generic terminology like “mail carrier,” “firefighter,” and “sales associate”

• Scrapping the use of words like “husband” and “wife,” and replacing them with “spouse,” “partner,” or “significant other”

Many early Christians were martyred for resisting far less than this latest blasphemy

The Rest…HERE

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