What the Release of the Memo Tells Us About Our Country

Saturday, February 3, 2018
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
February 3rd, 2018

The memo is out and the moral indignation expressed by Fox News and the Republican Party is so fake, that I can barely keep my breakfast down. Hypocrisy rules the day.

There are no surprises in the memo, it read exactly like I knew it would. In fact, I was disappointed in some respects, because my investigations and the investigations of my Independent Media colleagues were more complete than the so-called memo. If the Republicans were smart, and they aren’t, they would have had several Independent Media types acting as consultants and you would not have had just a four page summary, you would have had a volume of books. But thank God for small favors, at least the unaware members of the public can see that the members of the Independent Media are much more than a pack of conspiracy theorists and delusional wannabe journalists. In fact, a former academia colleague told me “I was glad to see that some of your conspiracy theories are true”. I really had to clench my fist to keep the middle finger from emerging.

This article, in part, will examine the reactions to the memo. It is my hope that the American people will begin to see that we are not fighting for our country based on political, social and economic isssues. We are fighting against abject evil which is intent on destroying everything that is good and they are doing their best to destroy America, Christianity and the family. But first, a word about political parties.

Why I Hate Political Parties

I don’t care much for political parties. They remind me of gang warfare. We have the Democrips and the Republicbloods. In gang warfare, the welfare of the community be damned, it is all about protecting one’s turf. And the so-called turf is about maintaining their illegitimate business opportunities. It is the same in gang warfare as it is in political parties.

Gangster related drive-by-shootings produce stray bullets that kill innocent people. Today’s political parties do the same thing. The country be damned, it is only about protecting one’s turf and if a few people get hurt, so be it!

In today’s political climate, the Republicbloods have discovered that appearing to do the right thing has political capital because the general public is fed up. However, don’t be deceived, Al Capone was the first to form breadlines and soup kitchens during the Depression in order to gather favor and support from the public.

The Democrips are working from a paradigm that is outdated and is based on the philosophy that “if enough handouts are provided, we can do whatever else we want including murder and child sex trafficking (ie Seth Rich and John Podesta, respectively)”. How else could one explain a political party that would tolerate someone like the Clintons, their serial criminality including the long trail of bodies? Don’t forget about Nancy Pelosi. She is the ultimate mafia whore who defends the “Godfather” at all costs. Every time I see here prune face on CNN, I become nauseated. But the Republicbloods also have John McCain and Lindsay Graham and don’t forget about the Bush’s who start wars of occupation that murder millions of innocent people. And all of the aforementioned cast of gangsters are traitors to the Republic. As a teenager might say, “Political Parties such, really suck”. Therefore if the country permanently aligns with the Republicans, we gain nothing.

The Reaction to the Memo

The Rest…HERE

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