#Releasing the Memo Will Unleash Extreme Deep State Revenge Upon America

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
January 30th, 2018

The release of the memo regarding illegal FISA issued spy warrants on Candidate Trump and his staff should send Deep State servants to prison including Obama and Clinton. Now that the memo is being released, how far will the DOJ go in bringing the guilty to justice? How far will the Deep State go in diverting attention away from the memo?

The following is an analysis of the impact that the potential release of the “#memo release” will carry and what the ultimate impact on America will be.

#Release the Memo

On Monday evening, the House Intelligence Committee suprisingly voted to “#release” the classified memo circulating in Congress that purportedly reveals government surveillance abuses as well as outrageous criminality up to an including treason.

People all throughout the Patriot community have hailed this unexpected decision as a tremendous victory for truth and justice from a government that has come to look more like a brothel than a legislative body.

The current leading representative of the Communist (eg Democratic) Party, California Representative, Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on theHouse Intelligence Committee, called the decision to release the memo a “very sad day, I think, in the history of this committee.” Isn’t it nice to know that this Democrat thinks that releasing a truthful report on criminal corruption from high government offiicals is a “sad day”. This Tony Soprano version of how to run a government is on full display for the entire American pubic to view. The motion passed on a party-line basis. In other words, Republicans = Truth (in this instance) and the Democrats = lies and corruption as well as subverting the will of the American public who voted for Donald Trump.

The burdern now falls to President Trump as he has five days to decide whether he has any objections before the memo can be publicly released. If by some small chance, the President were to not to release this memo, he would lose his base as well as cast a long shadow over his Presidency.

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said he believed people could lose their jobs after the memo is released. His statements give some timely clues as to who and what he is talking about.

“I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice,” he said, referencing DOJ officials Rod Rosenstein and Bruce Ohr.

Rosenstein has done a magnificent job keeping Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, in line, or should I say, towing the Deep State line? Sessions is afraid of his own shadow as he is so timid that he will not even prosecute the low-hanging fruit that constitutes Hillary Clinton’s emails which is evidence that cannot be taken back. Will Rosenstein be the first major player to turn state’s evidence? Therefore, my fellow Americans, do not get your hopes up. Exposure of criminality is not the same as prosecuting criminals. I predict that at this time next year, Hillary will be making more “bitches” quotes and getting a free pass from the mainstream media.

I would be remiss tif I did not state that many of these revelations remind me of the movie, The Pelican Brief, in which two Supreme Court Justices were murdered to cover up criminal activity from a major oil baron. One has to ask, with these coming revelations, how many planes will crash and suicides will happen which will all be designed to coverup the truth? If one thinks that Clinton’s trail of bodies is lengthy, I am predicting that we have not seen anything yet.

The Deep State/Democratic Party Options

Many in the Independent are hailing the pending release of this information as a great victory for the “People”. It is and it will be hailed as a great victory vy all loyal Americans. However, if one thinks that it is going to be sunny skies from here on out, they are fooling themselves.

The Rest…HERE

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