DEEP STATE PANICS=> RINO Hacks Consider Legislation to Protect Dirty Cop Mueller From Being Fired

Monday, January 29, 2018
By Paul Martin

by Cristina Laila
January 28, 2018

Never Trump RINO hacks discussed legislation to ‘protect’ dirty cop Robert Mueller from being fired.

These hacks believe Robert Mueller is some sort of King who is untouchable, above criticism and above oversight.

The hysteria coming from RINO hack lawmakers to protect Mueller from being removed from his post as Special Counsel is based on a fake news New York Times propaganda piece which was released Friday night claiming Trump wanted to fire Mueller in June of 2016.

So what? The President is allowed to speak about firing Mueller to his attorneys in private if he so wishes. Trump didn’t fire Mueller, yet this non-story is being pushed by the Deep State mouth pieces in the media.

Robert Mueller is a dirty cop who is marching on with a ‘Russian collusion’ witch hunt of Trump and his administration yet he hasn’t even named the crime. Mueller also knows the entire witch hunts hinges on a phony, Hillary-funded Russia dossier which is absolutely criminal.

Mueller, the FBI, DOJ, FISC and others involved in the Russia dossier which was used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump are on in hot water.

The FISA memo will be released soon which will expose every single one of these rats.

The Rest…HERE

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