North Korea EARTHQUAKE – Nuclear test fears as tremor felt in hermit state

Sunday, January 28, 2018
By Paul Martin

AN EARTHQUAKE with a magnitude of 3.2 rocked North Korea today, sparking fears of a fresh nuclear missile test by Kim Jong-un’s tyrannical regime.

Sun, Jan 28, 2018

Seoul’s weather agency said the tremor occurred just after 8.07pm local time (11.07am GMT).

It occurred at a depth of 6km, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).

It was picked up around 16km from Chongjin County in South Hamgyong.

News of the North Korea quake immediately caused concern that Pyongyang may have fired a new missile.

However, the KMA said initial reports suggested it was more likely to be a natural tremor.

An official told Yonhap news agency: “Artificial quakes from explosions create sound waves, but there were not sound waves detected this time.

”It’s also far from North Korea’s nuclear test area.”

Due to the secretive nature of the hermit state, it is not known how much damage has been caused or whether anyone was hurt in the quake.

After its sixth and largest blast last year, there were a series of tremors and landslides near the Punggye-ri nuclear test site.

The September 3 blast led to a 6.3 magnitude quake, followed by several smaller ones.

Yesterday, Pyongyang condemned the latest US-backed sanctions aimed at curbing Kim’s nuclear ambitions.

The foreign ministry branded them “a manifestation of heinous intention to throw a wet blanket over the inter-Korean exchange and cooperation and to aggravate the situation.”

The Rest…HERE

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