‘Now it’s time for NEW PARTNERS’ Theresa May issues post-Brexit warning to EU at Davos

Thursday, January 25, 2018
By Paul Martin

THERESA May sent a warning shot to the European Union today when she said post-Brexit Britain would seek to bring “new partners to the table” after Britain unshackles itself from Brussels during a speech in the Swiss resort of Davos at the World Economic Forum.

Thu, Jan 25, 2018

The prime minister said the UK had been at the “forefront of championing trade deals” and would continue to be a “leading advocate” of free trade after Brexit.

She told Davos: “As we leave the EU, the UK will continue to be a global advocate of free trade…Pushing for progress on WTO discussions, seeking to bring new partners to the table, and of course after we have left the EU developing new bilaterial deals with countries across the world.”

But she warned there is “much more to be done by the international community” on trade and, in particular, steel.

Mrs May started her speech by saying last year, she warned that the benefits of free trade weren’t being shared fairly, and this risked undermining the global world order.

Turning to business, Mrs May said said business and governments must work together, adding: “I understand the power of business as a force for good” and “the good that Government can do – creating conditions for successful businesses to emerge and grow”.

She vowed Britain will be “one of the best places in the world in which to start and grow a business”.

Addressing business leaders, she said “populism of the far-left and far-right” has not made the progress predicted.

Mrs May also spoke about technology and how it advanced humanity, citing a story where a drone saved the life of two young boys off the coast of Australia last week.

The Rest…HERE

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