Alaska earthquake is ‘a wake up call’: Warning for ‘Big One to hit US west coast in March’

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
By Paul Martin

THE magnitude 8 earthquake which struck off the coast of Alaska today is just the start of a huge seismic shift that will hit the west coast of the US in coming weeks, a self-styled prophet has warned.

Tue, Jan 23, 2018

Frank Hoogerbeets, based in the Netherlands, claims to be able to predict when earthquakes will happen based on the alignments of planets in our solar system.

Alaska has been hit by a 7.9 magnitude earthquake, sparking a tsunami warning across the entire US west coast and Canada as mass tremors along the Ring of Fire increased dramatically in the last 24 hours.

Mr Hoogerbeets claims it was a precursor for a Big One along the west coast US, that he has been warning of.

He told “The large earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska was anticipated, but occurred a bit sooner than expected.

“In my previous update I elaborated on the unique situation in the North Pacific, and also mentioned Alaska:

“The magnitude 8 earthquake in Alaska is a wake-up call that more large seismic activity is coming, especially in the first week of March.”

He previously issued an online warning about what he sees as the risk of a major earthquake in February or March.

In a YouTube video Mr Hoogerbeets says the disaster will be sparked by a rare planetary alignment which will take place from between February 21 to March 7.

He said: “In this time-frame a rare planetary geometry will cause a significant seismic increase, with probably one or two magnitude 7.8 earthquakes at least.

“But there is definitely the potential for a mega-thrust earthquake with magnitude 8 or even 9.”

Mr Hoogerbeets uses a non-scientifically recognised way of predicting earthquakes based on planetary alignments with Earth, which he claims “increased gravitational force causes stress on fault lines”.

Mainstream scientists have rubbished his claims, yet he continues to issue his warnings with mixed success.

The Rest…HERE

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