Workers at Apple factory toil for 10-hour shifts in loud, toxic workshops before returning to filthy dormitories with cold showers, rights group claims…(Enjoy Your IPhones!!)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
By Paul Martin

17 January 2018

Workers at a massive Chinese factory which produces parts for Apple have to work 10-hour shifts under harsh conditions and are not given proper overtime pay or adequate safety protections, a labour rights group has claimed.

Migrant workers, paid as little as 1,950 yuan (£210) a month, are exposed to toxic chemicals at their workshops before returning to filthy eight-person dormitories with cold showers, said the same report.

Catcher, the Apple supplier located in eastern China’s Jiangsu Province, has denied the allegations; while Apple said its investigation team ‘found no evidence that Catcher was violating our standards’.

The allegations have been made by New York-based China Labor Watch, a not-for-profit organization which conducts assessments on the labour conditions of factories in China.

It came 10 days after a worker from another Chinese factory producing Apple’s iPhone allegedly died after jumping from a 12-storey window.

The charges highlight the difficulty of managing complex global supply chains – even for companies like Apple that have publicly embraced ethical sourcing as a business priority.

The Rest…HERE

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