Fears of an attack with weapons of mass destruction tops list of the world’s greatest concerns for 2018, global risk survey finds

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
By Paul Martin

Survey finds weapons of mass destruction tops list of this year’s global worries
There are also fears over extreme weather, cyber attacks and infectious disease
The 2018 Global Risks survey has been released by the World Economic Forum
Forum is holding its annual gathering in Davos, Switzerland, from January 23

17 January 2018

Fears of an attack with weapons of mass destruction tops a list of the world’s greatest concerns for 2018, a global risks survey has revealed.

There has also been a rise in ‘charismatic strongman politics’ across the world amid a continued threat of conflict on the Korean peninsula and the Middle East, a study found.

The risk of political and economic confrontations between major powers, including outright military conflicts, has also risen sharply, according to the survey released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) days before its annual gathering in Davos, Switzerland.

The Global Risks Report highlighted the top ten risks in terms of their potential impact, with weapons of mass destruction heading the list.

Also included in the top ten were fears over extreme weather, natural disasters, cyber attacks, food crises, ‘large-scale involuntary migration’ and the spread of infectious diseases.

The report highlighted a remarkable surge in geopolitical concerns after a year of escalating rhetoric between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that has arguably brought the world closer to a nuclear conflict than it has been in decades.

The Rest…HERE

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