Google, Amazon and DARPA Are Now Able to End All Free Will…(Thanks Francis/ $10 Donation!…Please Support RevolutionRadio!!)

Sunday, January 14, 2018
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
January 14th, 2018

From deciphering your dreams, to reading your mind for “dangerous thoughts”, the future of mind readingn and ultimate control is here and you don’t have to be paranoid to believe in this phenomenon thanks to new and improved security systems being developed around the world to deal with terrorism that inadvertently ends up impinging on one’s privacy.

Deciphering Dreams, Developing Telekinesis and Other “Routine” Mental Tasks

How about searching the Internet with just your mind? Or can you imagine sketching a new blueprint design without lifting a pen? Your driving, but you have a need to text, that is OK, just use your mind to create and send the message.

A computer that can read mind would find many uses in daily life, not to mention for those paralyzed and with no other way to communicate. Scientists have created the first algorithm of its kind to interpret and reproduce images seen or imagined by another person. Cognitive researchers are one step closer to building systems that could help us project our inner mind’s eye outward.

Purdue computer science professor, Zhongming Liu, has helped to develop an algorithm that can reproduce what moviegoers see when they’re watching a film. For the past 7 years, researchers have recreated movie clips, photos, and even dream imagery by matching brain activity to activity recorded earlier when viewing images.

Technology is generally neutral, however, the problem for humanity is that it is organizations like Google and DARPA are the ones making most of the discoveries in these areas. This should very clear mark the evil intent behind these developments. This fact, alone, should frighten everyone and these previously mentined deveokpments are not the final frontier of this new mind control technology.

Deep Generator Network

Scientists have developed a a type of a 3-D printer for the brain, called a DGN, which produces an algorithm that in this case has been pretrained to generate realistic images based on its input. The DGN refines the paintings to look more naturalistic. Once that was added, a neutral human observer could tell which of two photos an image was meant to recreate 99% of the time, the researchers reported in a paper uploaded to the preprint server just last month.

Following this development, the scientists tried to read the minds of people by simply imagining images. This time they scanned the three subjects’ brains after asking them to recall images previously displayed, including a fish, an airplane, and simple colored shapes. The method didn’t work well for photos, but for the shapes, the generator created a recognizable image 83% of the time. This type of programming, which is generally called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) is expected to revolutionise crime detection and investigation. IT CAN ALSO BE USED TO IDENTIFY DISSENT AND POTENTIAL ENEMIES OF THE STATE. THIS IS BEYOND ANYTHING GEORGE ORWELL COULD HAVE IMAGINED.

My logical and non-emotional based fear is that it will revolutionize political enslavement of the masses.

The EMF emissions from the brain can be decoded into current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject’s brain. It sends complicated codes and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the brain, thus generating sounds and visual images in the neural circuits. With its speech, auditory and visual communication systems, RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain to brain link or a brain-to-computer link and it can make one think what the controller of the techology wants one to think?

These developments are not new and this new type of enslavement has been pursured for the past 7 decades

The Dawn of Micro-Chipped Mind Control

The Rest…HERE

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