Arkansas Grand Jury Convened To Indict Bill and Hillary Clinton

Saturday, January 13, 2018
By Paul Martin

Baxter Dmitry
January 13, 2018

A grand jury in Arkansas has been convened to indict Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Clinton Foundation employees, for crimes connected to the “pay-for-play scheme,” according to reports.

Corey Hiland, a US attorney picked by Trump in 2017, now has a grand jury in place in Little Rock, Arkansas, and has been working for months, according to the Washington Post.

The battle for Clinton justice is no longer just about Trump, who said Hillary Clinton should be in jail. It’s no longer just about Sessions, who went on the record, before he was Attorney General, describing the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for-play scheme.

It’s now about Corey Hiland, the prosecuting US Attorney in Arkansas who is not going to play ball with the Clintons and their Foundation.

Trump’s pick for US Attorney for the eastern district of Arkansas is determined to deliver justice to the Clintons and their criminal Foundation. Despite his cool and unassuming exterior, a fiery yet focused determination simmers underneath.

Corey Hiland has re-opened the Clinton Foundation investigation that was closed down by Loretta Lynch and James Comey. He has a grand jury with subpoena power, thanks to Attorney General Jeff Sessions in D.C.

The Washington Post, the newspaper of the Deep State, has begun foreshadowing the Clinton indictments, preparing their readers for the inevitable. They are petrified, and they know it is going to take place. They don’t know how to spin it, so they have started saying that Trump has influenced the Department of Justice.

They are saying this without any evidence, while giving Bill Clinton a free pass after he met with Loretta Lynch on a tarmac in Phoenix, three days before Hillary Clinton’s interview with the FBI, with the express purpose of influencing the investigation.

This episode proves the corrupt, deceitful nature of mainstream media, in particular the CIA-financed Washington Post. They are still doing their best to cover for the Clintons. However their machinations have been exposed. Their time is running out.


The first indictment tied to the Clinton Foundation has already been issued. Though don’t expect mainstream media to cover this in any detail. They have already attempted to brush it under the carpet using deflection and misdirection to confuse their readers.

The former president of a Maryland transportation company that moved to nuclear materials across the United States has been indicted, accused of bribing an official at Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corp. The charges were unsealed Friday by the Department of Justice.

Despite what mainstream media want you to believe, the Uranium One scandal is being investigated. Low-level individuals are being indicted and questions, with the goal of working higher up – all the way to the two Clintons are the top of the pyramid.

No wonder Julian Assange tweeted an image of a chessboard yesterday.

The Rest…HERE

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