Health Ranger calls for First Amendment to be expanded to the online world: Vindictive censorship must be STOPPED

Friday, January 12, 2018
By Paul Martin

by: Mike Adams
Friday, January 12, 2018

What has become remarkably clear to nearly everyone is that Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo and other tech giants now operate as radical left-wing censorship regimes that selectively “shadow ban” and oppress conservative ideas. Tech giants have been infiltrated by left-wing “cultists” who literally believe that they have the right to suppress and destroy any speech with which they disagree. This is all pursued under the banner of “social justice” and “equality,” of course, because to a deranged Leftist, “equality” means only hearing one side of any given debate.

The systematic censorship of independent media and conservative ideas by tech giants now threatens the very future of our society by turning the entire internet into one giant left-wing “thought bubble” where only the conforming, obedient, deranged ideas of left-wing cultists are allowed to be shared or broadcast. Far worse than George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth which was run by an evil, oppressive government regime, today’s tech giants have created a network of truth ministries that are decentralized and not restricted in the way government is restricted by the Bill of Rights.

For those who don’t know true history — and that includes nearly all leftists, who repeatedly prove themselves to be functionally illiterate about everything from economics to history — the Bill of Rights specifically limits the powers of the federal government so that government cannot oppress the speech or religious expression of citizens. The First Amendment, specifically, is not a “granting” of rights to the people, but rather a restriction of the government’s powers to limit such natural rights. (Leftists still don’t understand that rights don’t come from government. They think governments “grant” rights.)

Today, however, we find ourselves in a new reality where it isn’t government that’s restricting our free speech rights, but rather private industry. Specifically, Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo and other tech giants. These technology “institutions” would be operating in clear violation of the First Amendment if they were government agencies. Yet they get away with selective, punitive censorship of conservative ideas solely because they are private companies that aren’t directly regulated by the First Amendment.

That’s why this must change. It’s time to expand First Amendment’s protections to include restrictions on the ability of large tech giants to selectively restrict the speech of the people.

First Amendment protections must now be expanded to protect freedom of speech in the online world

The Rest…HERE

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