Democrats now plotting full-scale “medical kidnapping” of President Trump… worried it may “look like a coup”

Thursday, January 11, 2018
By Paul Martin

by: Jayson Veley
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Someone needs to teach the liberal Democrats that just because they disagree with someone politically (such as President Trump) doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with that person’s mental health.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, an anti-Trump professor at Yale University by the name of Dr. Brandy X. Lee says that she wants to “physically constrain” President Trump, evaluate his psychological health, and then forcefully remove him from office. The only thing she is worried about is the possibility that such a move would end up looking like a coup.

Gee, you think?

Last April, during an open town hall meeting at Yale Medical School, Dr. Lee said: “The Goldwater rule is not absolute. We have a ‘Duty to Warn,’ about a leader who is dangerous to the health and security of our patients.” Dr. Lee has even formed a coalition of nearly 800 mental health professionals who are “sufficiently alarmed that they feel the need to speak up about the mental health status of the president.”

It’s hard to believe that these “mental health professionals” are anything but political ideologues looking for a quick and easy way to impeach President Trump. They are attempting to take advantage of the 25th Amendment, which essentially states that a President can be removed from office if he is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” This is exactly why you are starting to see Democrats talk less and less about the so-called Russia collusion scandal, and more and more about whether or not Trump has the mental capacity to serve as President of the United States. They are setting the stage for impeachment.

In order to advance the narrative that President Trump is not mentally stable, the liberals point to a number of different things, most recently a tweet that Trump published regarding the size of his nuclear button. “North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times,’” Trump tweeted earlier this month. “Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”

Immediately after that tweet was published, the liberals within Washington D.C. and the mainstream media were quick to use it to their advantage, claiming that it was a clear sign that the commander-in-chief is mentally unfit to serve in the Oval Office. Now, however, North Korea is urging peace talks, probably because they don’t want to get blown to kingdom come. Trump’s tough-talking language appears to be working – so how exactly does that make him “mentally unfit?” If anything, that makes him a wise and strategic leader that knows what he’s doing.

The Rest…HERE

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