California Conservatives Launch Petition to Push Actor James Woods to Run for Governor

Wednesday, January 10, 2018
By Paul Martin

by Joshua Caplan
January 9, 2018

Is Hollywood star James Woods plotting to run for Governor of California? If conservative activist Melanie Morgan and legions of supporters have their way, the answer is a resounding yes. Morgan, who is behind the newly launch petition to push Woods to run says, “Californians deserve a choice in this year’s crucial election and it’s a mistake to allow Gavin Newsom to cakewalk right into the governorship without a fight.”

Washington Times reports:

“James Woods, governor of California? Why not? The Golden State has a long history of electing leaders from the deep end of the thespian pool. From Ronald Reagan to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Californian voters actually seem to enjoy casting ballots for Republican actors,” reads a petition launched Tuesday, which indeed is calling upon the politically attuned and aggressive Mr. Woods to throw his hat in the ring.

“An effort to shake up the California governor’s race by placing James Woods on the ballot is gathering steam. The online signature-gathering effort intends to assist fed-up Californians in taking a stand against one-party rule and the increasing likelihood that two Democrats will appear on November’s gubernatorial ballot amid a Republican shutout,” says talk radio host and conservative activist Melanie Morgan, a Marin County resident who is coordinating the effort to recruit Mr. Woods. […]

The Rest…HERE

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