How the 25th Amendment Will Be Used to Remove President Trump On Fake Mental Illness Allegations

Tuesday, January 9, 2018
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
January 9th, 2018

The Russian Collusion Delusion has collapsed. However, the President has a new challenge that will threaten his presidency. President Trump’s insistence that America has become a hell-hole and the swamp needed to be drained, has earned him the mental health diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder. This is the modern day equivalent of the old Soviet diagnosis of “political schizophrenia”.

The former Obama administration and their partner in pseudoscience, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), previously created a totally bogus and scientifically unproven mental illness to be used against President Trump in order to justify removing him under the disability clause in the 25th Amendment.

The APA created the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (5th Edition) which was adopted only a couple of years ago. DSM 5 is highly controversial and has sparked outrage from the mental health practitioners. As many of these practitioners point out, the new DSM-V makes a pathology out of simple and normal behaviors such as grieving for the loss of a loved one and downright healthy defiance of perceived injustice.

This approach constitutes an unprecedented a relatively new and subjective approach in diagnosing of mental illness as it promises to end free speech and any form of political dissent. It will also be used to remove the current President if the “People” sit by and let this happen.

The Deep State has declared, through its compromied ally, the APA, that anyone who opposes its unconstitutional policies as having “political paranoia,” which is now diagnosed as a type of mental illness. Subsequently, anyone who disagrees with some established authority is deemed to be suffering from Oppositional Defiant Disorder. And there is now a Yale psychologist who has been briefing Congress on his diagnosis of the President.

From CNN:

A dozen lawmakers from the House and Senate received a briefing from Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee on Capitol Hill in early December about President Donald Trump’s fitness to be president — and Lee has been asked to speak with additional lawmakers, worried about the President’s mental state, later this month.

“Lawmakers were saying they have been very concerned about this, the President’s dangerousness, the dangers that his mental instability poses on the nation,” Lee told CNN in a phone interview Thursday, “They know the concern is universal among Democrats, but it really depends on Republicans, they said. Some knew of Republicans that were concerned, maybe equally concerned, but whether they would act on those concerns was their worry.“
Lee made it clear that she is not in a position to diagnose the President, or any public figure, from afar. But she said that it is incumbent on medical professionals to intervene in instances where there is a danger to an individual or the public. She argues that signs the President has exhibited have risen to that level of danger…

This “fake” psychiatrist, is describing some of the hallmark traits of ODD and this makes Trump very dangerous in this modern day version of the Salem Witch Trials. However, there is one problem, in my training as a mental health therapist, I was taught that we cannot make accurate diagnoses from afar. Only in a personal contact situation, can one accurately conduct a mental health assessment. Despite this uncompromising prohibition, it did not stop several members of Congress from hearing this quack’s third person diagnosis of President Trump!

What’s Being Applied to Trump Will Soon be Applied to You

Particularly disturbing is that the new manual targets internet users and so- called conspiracy theorists. If someone is judged, by some vague set of criteria, to spend too much time on the internet, they could be judged to be mentally ill and ineligible to own a gun and could even be incarcerated for their own good. How are you receiving this information? According to these pseudoscience beliefs, you will have proven your mental illness by giving in to your internet addiction and reading this article.

Subsequently, this is just another backdoor method to disarm citizens who would oppose the abject tyranny being imposed upon America. Therefore, when we are talking about the removal of a Presient under these “trumped up” charges, a Constitutionally supporting American can expect the same criteria will be applied them.

I once predicted that any form of political protest would be demonized and used as the basis for the administration of assignment a mentally ill label upon anyone who disagrees with the establishment and now that day has arrived.

Political Schizophrenia

The Rest…HERE

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