Tanks on move near North Korea border as Kim and Trump gear up for WAR

Friday, January 5, 2018
By Paul Martin

TERRIFYING new images show tanks on the move near the North Korean border as Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump gear up for war.

By Joy Basu
5th January 2018

South Korea is massing troops and artillery on its commie neighbour’s doorstep as satellite images suggest the Hermit Kingdom is preparing for a missile launch.

K-55 self-propelled howitzers – capable of blowing up chemical and nuclear shells – have taken up positions dangerously close to the rogue nation.

Earlier this week nuke nut Kim Jong-un sparked US fury by warning the nation was “within range” of his nuclear arsenal, and the button is always on his desk.

Furious US President Donald Trump retaliated by boasting his nuclear button is “much bigger and better” – making things take a dangerous turn for the worse.

The military tanks and a helicopter were seen in the city of Paju in South Korea, days after the country offered to talk with North Korea amid a standoff over its weapons programmes.

The move came a day after tubby tyrant Kim said he was open to negotiations, but that his country would push ahead with “mass producing” nuclear warheads.

Trump, who has led a global drive to pressure North Korea to give up developing nuclear-tipped missiles capable of hitting the US, held back judgement on Pyongyang’s offer to talk, saying: “Perhaps that is good news, perhaps not we will see!”

The offer for high-level talks next Tuesday had been discussed with the US, South Korea’s Unification Minister Cho Myong-gyon said.

It is believed South Korea moved its military forces close to the North Korean border as a “routine exercise”.

The Rest…HERE

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