Thursday, January 4, 2018
By Paul Martin

President ramps up Twitter warfare to start new year

Dan Lyman
JANUARY 4, 2018

President Donald Trump has changed the face of American politics, media, and international diplomacy with his earth-shaking tweets, unleashing a particularly effective salvo of declarations on social media since the start of the new year.

Likely the most notable impact of his tweeting in 2018 thus far is the re-opening of a cross-border communication line between North and South Korea, as the hermit regime contacted their neighbors for the first time in nearly two years after Trump blistered dictator Kim ‘Rocket Man’ Jong-un, reminding him of the overwhelming might of the world’s most powerful military in response to provocative statements made by Kim.

“North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.’ Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!” warned Trump in one of his most popular tweets of all time.

MSM operatives went into a tailspin, returning to their mantra that the President is ‘mentally unstable’ and unfit for office.

CNN host Brian Stelter’s reaction even elicited a response from top Trump aide, Daniel Scavino, after Stelter called Trump’s tweet “madness” and sought reprisal from Twitter HQ.

“Carry on w/your night @BrianStelter. While you would love nothing more than to see a Twitter ToS Violation for handle: @realDonaldTrump, you and all of your liberal friends have NOTHING. Keep calling Twitter. Stop trying to be the NEWS. Just report the NEWS & try keeping it REAL!” wrote Scavino.

The Rest…HERE

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