If the Trump administration DOESN’T indict Hillary Clinton, James Comey, then the rule of law in America is DEAD

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
By Paul Martin

JD Heyes
Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Just days before he won his first presidential election, then-Sen. Barack Obama said he was just “days away” from fundamentally transforming America.

Talking heads, politicos and pundits on the Right parsed his words in an attempt to figure out just what he meant. Eight years later, his meaning became clear: Obama sought to fundamentally transform America’s institutions, culture, and justice system, and many believe he succeeded beyond even his wildest dreams.

Particularly hard hit was the American justice system. Obama, we now know, politicized every aspect of it by putting in place rank partisans who, in carrying out the former president’s political objectives, ignored and buried substantial violations of law that undoubtedly harmed U.S. national security in ways we may never be able to fully gauge.

The best walking, talking examples of this are Hillary Clinton and James Comey.

Clinton, during her tenure as Obama’s first secretary of state, not only used her position to pad her and her husband’s pocketbooks through their financial vehicle, the Clinton Foundation, but in her quest for secrecy, she installed a private, unsecured email server in her New York home and used it to conduct official business.

In the course of conducting that business, she handled scores of classified and confidential information that she was never held accountable for, despite the fact that the FBI had discovered evidence she violated several statutes pertaining to the handling of classified information.

As reported by The Hill, for the first time congressional investigators say they have obtained written evidence that the FBI believed there were indications and additional evidence some laws were violated when the former secretary of state for President Obama and her top aides sent classified information through her unsecured private email server. (Related: Hannity sez ‘People like Hillary Clinton should be nervous – People will be going to jail’ as GOP lawmakers find NEW ‘irregularities’ and ‘contradictions’ in FBI’s EMAIL investigation (Video))

“That evidence includes passages in FBI documents stating the ‘sheer volume’ of classified information that flowed through Clinton’s insecure emails was proof of criminality as well as an admission of false statements by one key witness in the case, the investigators said,” as quoted by The Hill.

Then, of course, there is former FBI Director Comey, whom we now know planned to exonerate Clinton from those crimes long before he announced that he would during a highly irregular July 2016 press conference.

The Rest…HERE

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