Chelsea Clinton Wishes Happy New Year to the Church of Satan…(OMG!)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
By Paul Martin

by Kristinn Taylor
January 2, 2018

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and impeached President Bill Clinton, exchanged Happy New Year greetings with the Church of Satan on Twitter Tuesday.

Chelsea was commenting on the Chrissy Teigen Pizzgate Twitter storm she got involved in earlier to comfort Teigen.

Chelsea noted some of the accounts she was brought in contact with last year and this year, “In 2017, @ChurchofSatan & I were put on a few threads together. In 2018, it’s…@Hooters. What a time to be alive Chrissy!”

The Church of Satan ‘blue check mark’ verified account replied, “The never ending excitement here is never ending.”

Chelsea replied to the Church of Satan, “It’s been so long! Happy New Year!”

The Church of Satan replied to Chelsea, “Same to you, here’s to a great 2018!”

The Rest…HERE

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