Another Roy Moore Accuser Outed: Court Documents Reveal Tina Johnson’s Criminal and Abusive Past
by Jim Hoft
November 27, 2017
In mid-November a Gadsden, Alabama woman came forward and accused Judge Roy Moore of grabbing her ass while she was in his law office on legal business with her mother in 1991.
Tina Johnson accused Moore of grabbing her when she was in his office to sign over custody of her 12-year-old son to her mother.
At the time we pointed this out on Johnson by
Besides going through a nasty divorce and signing her son over to her mother Tina Johnson has a record of writing bad checks and third degree theft. reported:
“Johnson has had ups and downs in her life, both before and after she met Moore. She has pled guilty to writing bad checks, and for third-degree theft of property, which she said stemmed from family disagreement over the care of her late stepfather.
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