As Predicted 43 Years Ago, Six Corporations Are Positioned to Rule the World
By Dave Hodges
November 26th, 2017
In the 1975 movie, Rollerball, the corporate elite are the sole ruling authority. This is scene in the movie of the secret meetings of the six corporations that ruled the world.
Are Nation States Outdated?
The nation-state is outdated and counter-productive according to George Soros. Soros has placed $18 billion of his personal money outside the long taxation arm of the IRS because a soon-t0-be-extinct nation, does not need the money. If he had his way, Soros would like to see every nation state fail. He was responsible for the Arab Spring that toppled many governments in the Middle East including Egypt. And being the political and economic hitman that he is, he has been brought to America to become our national hitman. He seeks to destroy America and seemingly, his every action is intent on the breakup and destruction of America whether it be through the creation of a phony racial civil war or the breakup of the US through anti-American movements such as CALEXIT.
The Emergence of the Rollerball Syndrome
We know that six corporations control 98% of the media. It works pretty much the same in any industry or part of the economy and this concept will be developed later in this article.
I made the following video during the general election campaign in 2016 when the results were very much in doubt. I detailed how Hillary Clinton guaranteed Wall Street that the corporations would reign supreme over the national interest and the ultimate welfare of the people. In a Wall Street speech, I noted, in the following video, that Hillary effectively promised a world ruled by corporations as opposed to nation-states. We are fast approaching a border-less world where government will soon become extinct. What will that day look like? The following video lid out what was to be Hillary’s master plan to destroy the country she tried to get elected to serve as our Enslave-In-Chief.
The Rest…HERE