U.N. considers “killer robot regulation” to prevent Terminator robots from exterminating humankind
by: Ethan Huff
Friday, November 24, 2017
The idea that artificial intelligence (AI) is soon to invade every facet of human life – including the theater of war – has become all too real at the United Nations. A U.N. panel, recognizing that the development of AI technologies is now moving at breakneck speed, recently advised that international regulations be established to limit the types of weaponry and techniques that “killer robots” can use to target human beings.
That’s right: The U.N. is now treating seriously the possibility that AI robots uncontrolled by humans might soon be used during battle to fight against their pre-programmed “enemies,” or potentially turn against their “allies.” And because of this, the agency is warning that certain guidelines need to be put in place to restrict how much damage they can do. According to U.N. officials, governments simply aren’t doing enough to preemptively thwart a potential disaster scenario caused by the eventual rollout of advanced AI weaponry.
More than 80 countries took part in the panel, which centered around what the agency dubbed “Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems.” The U.N. presented a video illustration similar to a scenario one might expect to see in the Terminator movies, suggesting an uncertain fate for humanity should the nations of the world fail to act in reigning in such technology before it has the chance to do this, or much worse, to humanity.
Falling under the U.N.’s Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, also known as the Inhumane Weapons Convention, the meeting falls in line with a 37-year-old agreement that binds U.N. member nations to set limits on the types of arms and explosives that are permitted for use during wartime. Landmines, blinding laser weapons, and booby traps are the types of things that were addressed in the past. But now AI systems have taken the spotlight.
Campaign to Stop Killer Robots pushes for blanket ban on AI technologies
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