Catholic officials threaten to sue altar boys who claimed they were sexually assaulted by priest-to-be in the Vatican
Former altar boys had accused fellow religious student of sexual assault
Allegedly took place while they lived in a youth seminary inside the Vatican
Church lawyers are now threatening them with criminal defamation charges
24 November 2017
Catholic officials are threatening to sue several former altar boys who claim they had been sexually assaulted while living in the Vatican.
The former altar boys have made public accusations against an older seminarian – a teenager studying for priesthood – saying he sexually assaulted them when they lived together at the youth seminary inside the Vatican gardens.
The accusations were broadcast on an Italian investigative news program, and both the channel and the boys who testified are now being threatened with criminal defamation charges by church lawyers.
The response is indicative of how the allegations of gay sex among altar boys inside the Vatican walls have touched a raw nerve in the Vatican and the Italian church.
The reaction has been particularly acute within a small Catholic association, the Opera Don Folci, which runs the St. Pius X preseminary in a palazzo just steps away from where Pope Francis lives.
About a dozen boys, some as young as 13, live in the residence and serve as altar boys for papal Masses in St. Peter’s Basilica.
The accusations concern a former seminarian who is now a young priest for the Como dioceses and member of the Don Folci association.
One ex-student said the seminarian would come into his dorm at night demanding oral sex, starting when he was 13 and continuing until he was 18.
The seminarian was a year older and held a position of authority over the other students, reported the ex-student who was identified only as ‘Marco.’
The victim’s roommate, Kamil Jarzembowski, said he witnessed dozens of incidents, first denouncing them to seminary officials, and then in writing to cardinals and finally the pope in 2014.
The Rest…HERE