World Exclusive: New Kevin Spacey Accuser Claims That He ‘Grabbed My Upper Thigh, Took His Pinky And Rubbed My Junk’
by Michael Snyder
November 21, 2017
This story has not been published anywhere in the world yet, and so you are getting to read this before anyone else does. I take allegations of sexual assault extremely seriously, and I would not have published this if these accusations were not solid. Joshua Chavez personally sent me call sheets and other documentation that establishes that he did work on the film projects that he describes below, and a very close personal friend of mine knows Joshua extremely well and helped connect us for this story. If Kevin Spacey would like to personally respond to these allegations, he can have equal space on my websites to do so. Like so many of the other allegations against him, my guess is the Spacey will not dispute these facts either.
Some have speculated that the reason why Spacey was able to play a deeply evil character so convincingly on “House of Cards” was because of the deep evil that is in his heart. If all of the allegations against Spacey are true, he is a predator of the highest order, and it says a lot about the culture of Hollywood that he was able to engage in this pattern of behavior for so many years without ever getting into trouble for it.
Once again, what you are about to read are allegations from someone that previously worked with Spacey. I am satisfied with the documentation that Chavez provided for this story, and I very much trust the good friend that connected the two of us. What follows is Joshua’s story in his own words, and I hope that all of you will help me get Joshua’s story out to the rest of the world…
My name is Joshua Chavez and in 2007 I entered into the film industry where I began a lucrative business as a sound mixer. I didn’t start as one; I had to work my way up from a PA, sound utility, boom operator and then mixer. In 2012 I was asked to work for a certain sound mixer on three short films Kevin Spacey and his company trigger street productions was doing as the boom operator. Now a sound mixer is the head of the sound department and the boom operator is just below him and is responsible for picking up every line spoken by the actor or actress with a high-powered microphone. The first short film we worked on was called “The Ventriloquist” which was shot on March 22st and 23nd, the second short film was called “Spirit of a Denture” shot on March 26th and 27th, and then third short we shot was on April 1st and 2nd and that was called “Envelope”.
These three short films were all a part of a contest put on between trigger street productions and Jameson Whiskey called Jameson first shot. Writers from all over the world would send in their scripts for a chance to direct their own script and have it fully funded with Kevin Spacey as the main actor. The first day on set was at the promenade off of Figueroa St. in highland park LA. The first day of principal photography was the same as all the rest of the projects I’d been a part of. It was also uneventful considering what the rest of the days were going to be like working so close with Kevin Spacey. That first day I had met him he didn’t pay much attention to me. That is very normal for an A list actor towards a boom operator. I had introduced myself, put a lav (small hidden mic) on him a couple times and also boomed his scenes. Everything was very normal, nothing out of the ordinary. At that point in time, I had no idea Kevin was gay or attracted to me.
Day two was a whole different story though; the moment he got to set he began his relentless pursuit for me. I was sitting next to craft service (a table filled with all the snacks you could possibly imagine) and I noticed him pull up in a vehicle, get out, notice me and walk straight for me. I wasn’t sure he was looking at me or walking towards me for that matter but he was, he literally walked past every person on set, put out his hand in my direct and shook my hand with a big smile on his face and said “good morning Joshua, its good to see you back today” I was shocked and really confused. Kevin Spacey walked past every person on set to come say good morning to me, and he remembered my name… WHAT?! I didn’t realize his intentions at the moment so I felt really special, something like that had never happened to me before. The rest of the day was also normal, but Kevin would speak to me every now and then and he also sat down and had lunch with my sound mixer and myself.
The end of the first project had passed and the second short film was now underway, “Spirit of Denture”. The location we were filming at was called Soler Dental off of Los Feliz Blvd. in Los Angeles. It was a small dental office, which meant we were all in very close proximity to each other. One of the scenes in the dental office was Kevin’s character a Dentist with an active imagination looking out of his sliding glass window through binoculars. Now since the space was very small, and the cameras were behind him, I had to stand on a counter table that lined the wall right next to the sliding glass door. It was the only spot I could be in to properly get his lines without my reflection being seen by the cameras in the sliding glass door Kevin was standing in front of. There are many takes in order to get one scene and during this scene was when all of the real sexual assaults began to happen and from then on after. My first encounter with him during this scene was when the director yelled cut. I dropped my boom from over my head and sat down on the counter to rest while the camera changed some lenses for the next shot. Kevin was directly in front of me; he turned to me and asked me what I thought about his acting during that scene.
It was actually a funny question because why would my opinion matter to an A list actor. Regardless I politely answered the question “Yes, it was a good scene” and smiled, he then said “thank you” and lightly put his hand on my thigh. It was so quick and light that it didn’t really sound any alarms, however I didn’t feel comfortable with it. Since I was sitting on the counter and he was standing up, my thigh was about waist height to him. So I kind of ignored it and continued on. Well that was not the end of it, at the end of the next shot, he turned to me again and asked me the same question again, I replied the same, I mean it’s not like I was going say “Kevin, that was actually horrible… you need to stop acting and become a mime”! No, I’d be fired on the spot!
So I said it was great, he smiled again and then put his hand back onto my thigh, but this time it was for a very long period of time. It was so long that I started to move my thigh in hope he would take it off. He smiled and turned away. Now that time about every fiber in my body was screaming… that was not normal and there is something horribly wrong! Well the third time it happened yet again but this time he grabbed my upper thigh, took his pinky and rubbed my junk. “Woe, I am not comfortable with that, sorry but I’m not attracted to men. He took his hand off my upper thigh as if what I said didn’t even phase him, smiled at me and walked away. I was absolutely dumbfounded and shocked. I remember immediately going back to the mixer who I was working with and told him what had happened; he was surprised but shrugged it off.
To be completely honest and transparent I shrugged it off as well. I told him I wasn’t into guys and I figured he got the hint but he didn’t, if anything it made me an even larger target for him. I had many encounters with him after that and each one made me more and more uncomfortable. Other individuals began to notice it on set, including the 2nd AD Shelly West who made comments on his actions in an email afterward and again just recently explaining in detail what she noticed on set. In an attempt to let production know these things were happening to me, I told one of the producers about the sexual assaults I was receiving from Kevin and the over all response was “you should be flattered Kevin Spacey is attracted to you”.
The Rest…HERE