Exclusive: Islamist Exchange Student Sends Terrorist Threats to Conservative Laura Loomer – Penn State Police Investigating, FBI Notified…“9/11 didn’t kill enough of you f*ckers.”
by Jim Hoft
November 21, 2017
They’re not sending their best.
An idiot Islamist ATTENDING COLLEGE at Penn State University sent terrorist threats to conservative activist and investigative reporter Laura Loomer on Monday night.
HAltarakmah is a student at Penn State University.
Islamist “HAltarakmah” contacted Laura Loomer on Twitter to mock the US and US soldier deaths.
— Altarakmah is an exchange student.
Altarakmah texted Laura, “9/11 didn’t kill enough of you f*ckers.”
He also praised a deadly ISIS attack.
The Rest…HERE