BUSTED: Dem Rep. John Conyers Caught Lying About Not Knowing Sexual Harassment Claims Against Him
by Joshua Caplan
November 21, 2017
Embattled Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) is going about his sex scandal the hard way. Monday evening, the longtime lawmaker was accused of settling sexual harassment allegations against him with taxpayer money.
he morning after Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) was hit with sexual harassment claims, the Associated Press went to the lawmaker’s Detroit home to seek comment. Conyers denied the report, claiming he has not settled any sexual harassment complaints with staffers.
BuzzFeed reports:
“Democratic Rep. John Conyers claimed Tuesday he didn’t know about the sexual harassment claims against him that were detailed in a BuzzFeed News investigation — but a person involved in the case immediately said that he did, in fact, know.
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