‘Please know this is not a gun free zone’: Florida church warns that its congregation is ‘heavily armed’ and will handle attacks with ‘deadly force’ after the Sutherland Springs massacre
The River at Tampa Bay, in east Tampa, Florida, warns that the church is armed
The non-denominational church has had warning signs on every door for a year
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne reminded his followers about them days after the Sutherland Springs, Texas, massacre, which saw 26 killed at a local church
Those who are armed during services include have concealed-carry permits
The non-denominational church has 24-hour security at the 83-acre property
20 November 2017
A Florida church has said that signs warning that the property is not a gun-free zone helps protect the congregation from attacks.
The River at Tampa Bay Church, in east Tampa, Florida, has a sign on every door of the building warning people that the congregation is ‘heavily armed’.
‘Please know this is not a gun free zone – we are heavily armed – any attempted will be dealt with deadly force – yes we are a church as we will protect our people,’ pastors from the non-denominational church say on the signs.
The church has had the signs up for a year, but well-known senior pastor Rodney Howard-Browne reminded his followers about them days after the Sutherland Springs, Texas, massacre earlier this month.
‘He made it very well known on social media and here at the ministry, if you’re going to come here to look to do harm, you’re going to be met with force,’ Associate Pastor Allen Hawes told ABC.
Services at the church, which seats more than 1,000, are broadcast live.
Its head pastor is evangelical Dr Howard-Browne, a South African-born US citizen who first came to the United States as a missionary in 1987
His teachings on the concept of ‘holy laughter’ – an outpouring of joy caused by the Holy Spirit – helped to inspire the Toronto Blessing, which many believe to be an instance of mass blessing which took place in 1994.
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