It’s Not Just Hannity – Liberals Led By Media Matters Are Doing Everything They Can to Suppress All Conservative Free Speech
by Joe Hoft
November 20, 2017
To hell with the 1st Amendment – Nazi Sympathizer George Soros funded Media Matters is leading the liberal charge to shut down all conservative speech in America in spite of the fact that a majority of Americans are conservative.
Under President Obama the US was caught in a backwards spiral. Unemployment rose to as much as 10% while the amount of US debt doubled to nearly $20 trillion. In spite of the government not being able to pay its current bills, Obama’s US took on more and more third world immigrants and opened its porous borders with Mexico. Jobs were sent overseas with the help of horrible trade treaties with other countries. The Middle East turned upside down as US troops were pulled from Iraq and guns from Libya were supplied to rebels in Syria who morphed into Islamic killers. Americans murdered in Benghazi were ignored and patriot taxpayers who supported conservative principles were repressed. All the while the complicit mainstream media (MSM) supported Obama’s destruction of America and condemned all who dared stand up for justice.
These efforts to destroy America are what led to the Trump Presidency. But liberals never got it. They performed studies after the election and rightly learned that their old legacy compliant media was no longer the only show in town. Entities like this site (TGP) were sharing the real news and their messages were shared on the mega news site – the Drudge Report. Hillary was sick and taking time off from her campaign. Podesta’s emails were released by WikiLeaks, and although the MSM wouldn’t report what was in them, the criminal and corrupt actions of Hillary’s campaign manager and former Bill Clinton and Barack Obama aide, showed corruption at levels never seen before. These too were reported by the ‘new media’.
Americans had a voice and Trump won!
So after the election did liberals decide to change their ways? Did they see that their policies were wrong for America? Did the MSM decide to change its ways and start reporting honest news?
Instead the media continues to dig deeper ditches, to support the fake news that they have been behind for decades. Fake news stories like Hillary is great, Russia stole the election for Trump, and any negative bit of information, whether true or not, is blasted throughout the MSM. But more subtle and sinister is what is not reported by the MSM. The stock market is on fire and this is the best year in the history of the Dow. Unemployment is lower than we have seen in more than a decade. The Debt to GDP ratio is down under President Trump. Foreign countries respect America again.
Trump is Making America Great Again. But this all goes unreported by the MSM.
The Rest…HERE