The purpose of mainstream media is thought control and suppression: How to find the facts in the propaganda
by: Ethan Huff
Friday, November 17, 2017
The average person living in the modern world today is bombarded with so much information on a daily basis, much of it conflicting, that he or she is likely to oscillate within a constant state of cognitive dissonance. Making sense of what’s true and what’s “fake” has basically become a full-time job, and people who already work full-time for a living and take care of their families simply don’t have the extra time necessary to make heads or tails of the increasingly complex reality in which we all live – hence why so many people simply accept whatever they’re told or what comes naturally to them.
Discovering what’s actually true in today’s world is a difficult endeavor, despite the fact that we now have the internet right at our fingertips like never before. That’s because there’s simply too much information out there now to try to sort through it all, especially when it counters the official narratives being spread by the mainstream media. Much of what people are told is “news,” in other words, is little more than propaganda designed to control people’s thoughts while suppressing all forms of thought that are independent or critical.
“From mainstream media to social media. From ‘real’ news to ‘fake’ news. From Facebook political pokes to Twitter Trumpisms. It’s getting more and more difficult to navigate the wide-open waters of the information age,” writes Gary McGee for Waking Times about the severity of this widespread problem.
“All too often we take the easy route and unquestioningly stick to our political party line. But when it comes down to it, it is our responsibility alone to think clearly. It’s not our chosen news outlet’s responsibility. It’s not our teacher’s responsibility. It’s not our political party’s responsibility. It is ours and ours alone.”
Beware of ‘newspeak,’ ‘doublethink,’ and the agenda of total thought control
One conspicuous tactic that the propaganda overlords love to employ on the masses is known as “newspeak,” which centers around the idea of keeping people confined to thought “baskets” that prevent them from discovering the full truth about the matter. Oftentimes there’s a little bit of truth contained in newspeak in order to cleverly disguise the full extent of it, while simultaneously making those who fall for it believe that they’ve attained understanding.
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