The Evidence Mounts That ISIS Is Preparing to Disperse the Pneumonic Plague From CIA Supplied Drones…(Go To Page 2!)
By Dave Hodges
November 16th, 2017
The Pneumonic plague, which is essentially a lung-based plague, is always fatal in infected individuals if the pathogen is not immediately treated with extreme medical treatments.
It is accurate to state that some people are in an unwarranted state of panic. Some people are understating the danger. The following paragraphs represent these divergent views and the reader is left to decide for themselves.
A Conservative View of the Threat
I recently received an email from Tim Spencer in which he asserts the following:
“It does in fact seem that this strain Pneumonic Plague may, repeat may, have mutated. Anecdotal reports certainly lead to this possible conclusion.
WHO (World Health Organization) has now publicly stated that the possibility of a pandemic does in fact exist.
The death toll thus far is most likely under reported, particularly from rural areas.
There is no indication that we have seen to lead us to believe that this reportedly new strain is intentionally weaponized – it could well be that this plague has simply mutated on it’s own due to many decades of antibiotic use in patients that would have died from the plague without treatment.
If this version of the Pneumonic Plague does reach North America, and that is a very big “if” right now, without further mutation we do not see this bug spreading rapidly if the news stories below are true – if this version really does kill the host within three hours of noting symptoms the spread should be slowed considerably.”
These facts are somewhat reassuring and it appears that it is far too early to panic. However, there are other voices, quieter voices, which tell a different story.
The Virus Can Kill Its Victims In Less Than Hours
These facts are somewhat reassuring and it appears that it is far too early to panic. However, there are other voices, quieter voices, which tell a different story.
The Virus Can Kill Its Victims In Less Than Hours
The pathogen has already killed more than 171 people in Madagascar alone. Nobody is actually certain as to the actual death toll because there are thousands of confirmed cases across the this beleagured African country but the linkage of the contraction of the virus to mortality is not well tracked in Madasgascar. However, there is clear evidence that the patogen is spreading.
The nation of Malawi has joined the previous nine nations to be placed on high aleart for a possible pandemic. The number of nations that are impacted has grown to ten. Please keeep in mind that this disease wiped out a third of the medieval population as the epdemic killed more than 50 million Europeans in the 15th centure.
Madagascar’s government is not taking any chances, as their health officials have imposed medical checkpoints across several areas in the capital city of Antananarivo. The checkpoints carry the force of law and can be used to detain anyone suspected of carrying the virus.
The Rest…HERE