It’s Time To Tear Down Every Public Reminder Of Alleged Hollywood Sexual Predators
Sexual harassment allegations seem to be growing in number by the day.
Just Wednesday, two more women came forward with allegations of unwanted advances by Roy Moore. Kevin Spacey was just spotted checking into a $36,000/month luxury “rehab” in Arizona.
nd we all know how Harvey Weinstein’s rehab at the same facility went (not well).
There seems to be zero remorse coming out of these guys. Remember when news broke about Harvey? He admitted he wasn’t doing great but expressed almost no guilt, only limply conceding “I gotta get help.” It seemed he had every intention of returning to Hollywood once this blew over.
And Spacey’s apology was even worse. He yanked the back door escape hatch, asking for privacy while he lives his life as a gay man.
They may spend a few weeks at a luxury rehab facility, sipping cucumber mint sparkling water and lounging by a private pool in bathrobes. But once they’re released they’ll be back to their old tricks, relatively unchanged. Once again, they’ll be showered in adoration (that’s what got them there in the first place, after all) and their power will be restored.
But the stain they left on our country will remain forever. A dark shadow has been cast over Hollywood and D.C. And quite frankly, I don’t want to remember this part of our history.
That’s why it’s time to take down every reminder of these dishonorable men. Even The Atlantic agrees about erasing things that honor men, but can also spark painful memories.
The Rest…HERE