Have scientists programmed GMO food to reduce the population? Evidence suggests reduced sperm counts, especially in black men, are a result of weaponized food
by: Isabelle Z.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Could a new technology for weaponizing food known as RNA interference be used for population control?
Genetic engineers found a way to make food crops grow fragments of RNA that they can use bioweapon-style to interfere with the physiological properties of any species eating the food. For example, it can cause corn to grow characteristics that will kill pests when they eat it so pesticides won’t be needed at all. This, of course, is presented as good news for humanity as it could eliminate the need for pesticides, but there is a huge caveat: This same technology could also be used to target not just pests but also human beings.
There are lots of possibilities here. For example, crops of food can be engineered to cause infertility in humans and some suspect it’s already being done; dropping sperm counts seem to indicate that something is indeed going on.
A recent study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem that was published in the Human Reproduction Journal Update revealed that human sperm production dropped by 59.3 percent between 1973 and 2011, which is a huge decline that could have serious implications. Much of it has been blamed on chemical exposure, specifically chemical castrators like atrazine. After all, the sperm drops are particularly prevalent in Western nations like the U.S. where GMO foods are widely consumed.
This statistic is something that population control proponents are surely pleased about. Many believe it’s being done intentionally, and it shows just how possible these frightening scenarios are. Just how far does this population control agenda go?
Black people have long been targeted in population reduction experiments
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