Pharma drug cartel just changed the definition of “high blood pressure” to trick HALF of U.S. adults into “treatment” with high-profit prescription drugs
by: Mike Adams
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
The pharma drug cartel has become not just a total joke to medicine and science, but increasingly a threat to the health and safety of the American people. In the latest medical hoax to generate profit from the mass medication of nearly everyone, the American Heart Association — a quack medicine front group for the pharmaceutical industry — announced a new definition of “high blood pressure” that means half of U.S. adults suddenly have a “disease” requiring “treatment” with high-profit pharmaceuticals.
This total quackery of disease definition creep is one of the favorite ploys of the profit-driven drug cartels in the United States. (It’s called “Disease Mongering.”) A few years ago, “high cholesterol” was redefined as part of a tactic to boost statin drug sales (which now generate billions in revenue each year). Suddenly, doctors all across the country were prescribing statin drugs to patients who, just a week earlier, had no “disease” at all. But thanks to the AHA’s collusion with the drug industry to artificially lower the acceptable level of cholesterol in the body, tens of millions of Americans were spontaneously diagnosed with “high cholesterol.”
Overmedication of the population, you see, has become Big Pharma’s primary business model. And to achieve higher sales, the drug companies have to convince more and more people that they’re sick (even when there’s nothing wrong with them at all).
Drug companies are in the business of convincing more and more HEALTHY people they need prescription drugs for life
Drug companies, you see, are no longer in the business of merely treating truly sick people, but rather moving the goal posts of “disease” to ensure more and more otherwise healthy people qualify for drug treatment. The AHA, of course, goes right along with this scam.
It’s all explained in this CBS News opening paragraph which accidentally spills the beans on this prescription drug scam:
New guidelines lower the threshold for high blood pressure, adding 30 million Americans to those who have the condition, which now plagues nearly half of U.S. adults.
The Rest…HERE