McCain and Hillary Are Proven ISIS Supporters: Have the Two Been Indicted?…(DEEP Into Page 2!!)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
November 14th, 2017

Hillary Clinton and John McCain have a lot in common. Besides undermining the US Constitution and working against the interests of the United States, they share three similar variables: (1) They are undeniably supporters of ISIS and each had a hand in the creation of the most dangerous terrorist entity on the planet; (2) They both sustained supposed injuries to the same foot at the exact same time and we wearing the exact same orthodic boot; and (3) Both parties are the target of very vicious and persistent rumors that beneath their walking boots are GPS locators which are placed on the ankles of indcted suspects of serious crimes who may be a flight risk.

Supporters of ISIS

Hillary has been a supporter of ISIS since its inception.

WikiLeaks continued to reveal criminal and outright treasonous behavior on the part of Hillary Clinton. WikiLeaks, with their “retrieval” of Clinton emails continues to show ties between Clinton and foreign governments, criminally corrupt corporations and serious human rights violations.

At the center of the WikiLeaks revelations of Clinton’s treason and criminal behavior demonstrates undeniable links to Lafarge. Lafarge paid taxes to ISIS in order that they could protect its cement factory from destruction. The factor is located approximately northeast of Aleppo, Syria.

Another criminal investigation conducted by a Syrian news agency, Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news organization, stated that Lafarge bought oil from ISIS on a consistent basis.

In a 2007 Washington Post article, at a time, when Clinton provided the bulk of the Clinton family income. in the 1990’s before husband Bill was elected President of the United States. Hillary Clinton, at that time, was “earning more than $100,000 a year from her law firm salary and corporate board fees.” At the time, she served on Lafarge’s board, making about $31,000 a year from the company. the year 2007, was the year that Lafarge built its cement plant in Syria.

Influence Pedaling, Obstruction of Justice and Mass Murder Was the Order of the Day for Clinton While Working for Lafarge

In some respects, it could be said that Hillary Clinton has calmed down since her days on the Rose Law Firm and subsequently serving on the Lafarge Board of Directors, which she did from 1990-1992. Clinton’s record on the Board consists of extreme human rights violations and treason to the United States of America, who had placed an embargo on weapons shipments to Iraq, of any kind, during the time that Clinton was working for Lafarge. Hillary did not obey the laws of the United States and her actions led directly to the establishment of ISIS as a force to be reckoned with.

The Rest…HERE

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