France May Lower Age Of Consent To 13 After Man Acquitted Of Raping 11 Year Old
Carol Adl
November 14, 2017
The French government is poised to change its statutory rape laws after a man was acquitted of raping an 11-year-old girl after the prosecution was unable to prove that the act was not consensual.
Their reasoning was that “there was no violence, no constraint, no threat, and no surprise” on the part of the man to justify a charge of rape.
The verdict has sparked a public outcry and calls to revise the law.
RT reports: The bill, if adopted, will set a benchmark in French law on sexual violence, as it will for the first time define the age limit under which any sexual intercourse with a minor is legally considered rape.
The question of the age below which the minor’s consent is presumed not to exist is crucial, because there are obviously extremely shocking and unacceptable situations,” French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet said, as cited by RTL radio.
Regarding the age of consent, Belloubet said that the age of 13 “is worth considering,” while noting that the final decision in each case should lie within the discretion of the judges.
Marlene Schiappa, a junior minister for gender equality, argues that it should lie somewhere between 13 and 15 years.
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