Feldman Names 2nd Abuser, a Current Hollywood Insider Who Owned an Elite Club for Children
Corey Feldman just named his second abuser who still works in Hollywood and owned the most popular elite teen club in the city which catered to child stars.
By Matt Agorist
November 14, 2017
Hollywood, CA — On Monday, Corey Feldman went on the Dr. Oz show again and revealed the name of another of his alleged abusers. While the first abuser was a low-life convicted child molester who fled to Mexico, the second one is still working in the industry. The alleged abuser, Alphy Hoffman also owned the most famous teen club in Hollywood that catered to underage child actors during the time Feldman was molested.
On his second appearance on the show, Feldman described his experience with Hoffman in detail.
“Well he was the guy who ran Alphy’s Soda Pop Club, and, uh, I met him when I was 12 years old,” Feldman said on “Dr. Oz.” “He came to my house to pick me up in his car, and I had heard rumors that he threw the coolest parties in town and he was very connected.”
Feldman explained to Dr. Oz that Alphy Hoffman was the son of Bobby Hoffman, a major casting director at the time, who died in 1993.
“When you got an invite to go to Bobby Hoffman’s private party — this was a very big thing. And the fact that his son was coming to pick me up himself, was also a very big thing, and my mom ushered me into the car and said ‘go have fun’.”
Feldman described how the child victims were first groomed by their predators and all of the sudden the parties took a dark turn.
“You know, the first few times I went it was fairly innocent,” he explained. “Those parties were relatively kid friendly but interestingly that’s where I met the guy that ended up molesting Haim… There was a bunch of these guys, they were all hanging out together at these parties, and the thing is there weren’t a lot of parents at these parties.”
As he noted, Feldman described other children who were victims and, on the show, they actually called these victims and confirmed their abuse.
Feldman then went on to compare Jon Grisson, the other ousted abuser, with Hoffman.
“One night I was over there and we were watching a movie and I passed out while I was watching the movie, and when I woke up there was a porn on again. And I was like ‘Man, I’m really tired.’… I remember I could barely walk. I don’t know what I was given at that time, but I know that I was really out of it. And we went to the bedroom, and I was kind of passing in and out of it, and then it was like he started doing the same things to me that Jon [Grissom] had done… I kind of woke up in the middle of it, and I freaked out… I kind of threw him off me and I ran home.”
The Rest…HERE