BIS refuses to answer questions about its activity in the gold market
By: Chris Powell
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The Bank for International Settlements today refused to answer questions from the Gold Anti-Trust Anti-Trust Action Committee about the bank’s activity in the gold market.
On Monday your secretary/treasurer wrote to the bank’s public information office calling attention to GATA consultant Robert Lambourne’s latest analysis of the bank’s October statement of account involving gold, which Lambourne construed to show a substantial increase in the bank’s use of gold swaps.
Your secretary/treasurer wrote:
“Dear BIS Press Office:
“On November 12 the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. published an analysis by its consultant, Robert Lambourne, of the recent increase in gold swaps undertaken by the Bank for International Settlements:
“Could you please tell me whether this analysis is correct or, if it is in error in any way, how so?
“Could you also please tell me the BIS’ purpose and objectives with these gold swaps and with the bank’s involvement in the gold and gold derivatives markets generally?
“Thanks for your help.”
GATA received this unsigned response from the BIS today:
“Dear Sir,
“Many thanks for your e-mail enquiry.
“We do not comment on specific accounts / holdings of central banks or of the BIS. Please see our latest annual report for details on gold. Further information can be gleaned from central banks directly.
“With kind regards
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