Another False Flag Shooting In California-The Official Narrative Is Already Changing
Question: Psst, How do you know the Califrnial school shooting is a false flag?
Answer: Because the story keeps changing and now we know there is only one shooterr when it was clearly reported it was two shooters.
By Dave Hodges
November 14th, 2017
My heart goes out to the people of Corning, California, the victims and their families for yet another horrific event involving mass murder.
After the Vegas Massacre, I predicted we were going to see false flag events involving (1) malls, (2) churces and (3) schools. Since that prediction just over a week a go, we have had mass murder events perpetrated at two of the three venues.
After the false flag in Sutherland Springs, TX., Paul Preston of Agenda 21 Radio accurately predicted that the next event would be at a California school. Unfortunately, Paul was correct.
The Common Sense Show is calling on authorities across the nation to recognize that our nation is at war with domestic terrorists. Every school, mall and church needs to be guarded by people who are armed.
We know that the Vegas Massacre was carried out by more than one shooter. We know that the Texas church shooting was carried out by more than one shooter. We know that the recent California school shooting was carried out by 2 men. However, in each case the federal authorities are attempting to control the narrative and falsely report that the presence of one shooter for each of the evvents. Why? Because two or more shooters implies a conspiracy. A conspiracy would be tied to a motive and the true motives behind these events must remain hidden for the events to have their desired effect. What effect would that be? These events are being inspired and executed by forces formed by George Soros. The purpose is to create so much chaos, that the UN, as Fox News reported, would be allowed to police America in this time of national chaos.
If we ever allow this to happen, this would be the death blow to this country and its citizes.
Please note below from this first report from the scene of this afternoon’s shooting that 2 men were involved.
The Rest…HERE