Phase Two of Terror Attacks Ready to Commence-Biological Agents Dispersed by ISIS Drones…”Five Years of Warnings: Are You Ready to Listen America?”
By Dave Hodges
November 12th, 2017
The elite in this country are in full retreat. What do they know what the rest of us do not? Why are they apparently running for their lives?
I have had contact with some who have permanently bugged out. And the ones that I have had contact with say they are running for the following reasons in order:
1.World War III
2.A deadly purge within the military and the intelligence agencies
3.Chemical and/or biological attack
This article focuses on the reason #3, “Chemical and/or biological attacks”. Paul Martin and I, as well as many unnamed others, have had extensive and pervasive communications with various insiders who are all saying the same thing. The rash of mass murder events is only the beginning in the reign of terror being perpetrated against the American people. This is only the opening act. The conflict between the Deep State and and the growing spirit of populism, the antithesis to the planned Deep State dictatorship which is the planned replacement to the Republic. The next phase of Deep State-inspired aggression will come in the form of chemical and biological attacks.
The Deep State vs. American Populism
Despite the most massive voter fraud schemes perpetrated by Hillary Clinton and the anti-American Democrats, Donald Trump won the general election with almost 60 million votes. Most of these votes were not votes for Trump, most were votes against anyone who sounded like they were anti-Deep State (aka “Let’s drain the swamp”).
Because of Donald Trump Americans are waking up in very large numbers. For most of my journalism career, I found myself speaking to a small audience of committed followers. However, the John Q. Publics’ are beginning to pay attention. An awake and an aroused population is the number one enemy of the Deep State because it preserves ideals like freedom, love of God, the Constitution and the sanctity of our civil liberties.
Many recent polls demonstrate that the number enemy of the people, in their minds, is the government. The American people, in large part, fear their government. And they fear their government for very good reasons.
Certainly not all government employees are against the American people and our traditional values. However, and make no mistake about it, there are unnacountable rogue forces within our government which are behind the rash of mass murder events and are prepared to take this to a new and unprecedented level of death and destruction.
In a previous article, I detailed how DHS, the second most anti-American governmental agency of them all, are planning to release substances on Newkirk, OK. in which they want to see how chemical and biological agents could penetrate single family and multi-familiy dwellings. Leaving aside the pure insanity of this event for the moment, it demonstrates the intent of this leadership of this agency to break the fighting spirit of the American people through continual false flag attacks. I would entitle this activity as “How to kill more Americans and kill them more efficiently in the upcoming false flag attacks”. How can I make such a bold statement? Because there is no legitimate civil defense reason to expose a populated community to these dangers.
Five Years of Warnings: Are You Ready to Listen America?
On December 27th and December 28th of 2012, I reported on The Common Sense Show, how a personal friend, in FEMA, whose speciality was counter bioterrorism, was bugging out with other like-mineded people. He was running for his life. He was part of a group of recently retired officials from FEMA/DHS who were relocating to prepared and isolated communities. Their enclaves contains the same resources involving air, water, food and guns. These enclaves also include underground structures which are sensibly self-contained and can serve to isolate the inhabitants from the outside. I have two sources on this information which includes a family member and a retired FEMA official who has chosen not to participate in this relocation. The nonparticipant ex-official from FEMA did not seek sanctuary with these groups because he feels that several of these enclaves will be targeted for destruction by the powers that be because of the knowledge contained by the inhabitants in this case of “dead men tell no tales.” This makes sense because it would allow the elite, following the coming cataclysms, to rewrite history in their own version without any contradiction from knowledgeable individuals that know what really has gone on. This insider knowledge is a threat which would serve as an obstacle to the new truth.
My ex-FEMA friend told me that he learned that the real people that run this country (ie Deep State) were planning a series of bio-attacks if they could not stem the rising tide of American populism against a New World Order takeover of their country. This information was shared with me years before Donald Trump had even given a thought to running for President which served to wake up millions of previously unaware Americans.
That day has arrived, the Deep State is not going to acquiesce to any demands of the restoration of liberty by the American people.
The Rest…HERE