Evidence mounts that PLAGUE outbreak in Africa is an engineered depopulation bioweapon
by: Mike Adams
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Thousands of people have been infected and over 143 are now reported dead from the plague outbreak that’s now threatening Africa, reports the UK Daily Mail. “Health officials are unsure how this year’s outbreak began,” reports the paper. “Experts warn the disease spreads quicker in heavily populated areas.”
Isn’t it interesting that just as Prince William is calling for “urgent depopulation efforts” in Africa, we suddenly have the rapid spread of the plague from unknown origins? As Natural News previously reported, Prince William appears to be pushing for depopulation efforts across Africa in the name of environmentalism:
“Africa’s rapidly growing human population is predicted to more than double by 2050 – a staggering increase of three and a half million people per month,” Prince William explained during a recent event hosted by the Tusk Trust, a charity that is committed to protecting African wildlife.
According to The Telegraph, Prince William continued, “Urbanization, infrastructure development, cultivation – all good things in themselves, but they will have a terrible impact unless we begin to plan and to take measures now.”
Want to eliminate blacks? Just release a weaponized disease strain and blame Mother Nature
What’s the quickest and easiest way for globalists to eliminate targeted human populations? Release a weaponized infectious disease and let it spread from city to city while using the outbreak to strengthen government funding of the vaccine and pharmaceutical industries. This, of course, is a form of medical genocide.
The Rest…HERE