Former US Senator: All these Navy sailors have died after Fukushima radiation exposure — TV program reveals many are now dead — Veterans break down in tears… suffering cancers, paralysis, amputations, bleeding from anus, severe pain (VIDEO)

Friday, November 10, 2017
By Paul Martin
November 10th, 2017

Courthouse News, Sep 1, 2017 (emphasis added): Dying Navy Sailors Push for Trial on Fukushima Meltdown — Representing cancer-ridden Navy service members who say they were exposed to radiation on a humanitarian mission in Fukushima, former Sen. John Edwards urged a federal judge Thursday to set a date for trial. Over a decade after serving as John Kerry’s running mate in the 2004 presidential election, Edwards now represents hundreds of Navy sailors who were aboard the USS Ronald Reagan… “We have all these sailors whose case is now five years old, who have died or are in the process of dying right now,” said Edwards… Edwards noted that some of his other clients have seen their children born with birth defects… He said they want to make sure “the truth comes out” and that the “word gets out about the dangers and risks that exist not just in Japan, but in other parts of the world.”

The Rest…HERE

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