These are the Diseases that Could be Unleashed in a Bio-Weapon from North Korea
Jeremiah Johnson
There have been several articles circulating over the past several weeks pertaining to the Biological Weapons capability of North Korea, as well as delivery systems for those weapons. I’m going to provide the title and the source for one of these articles for your perusal, and then we’re going to cover the “meat and potatoes” of this article: meds needed against such attacks.
North Korea is ‘mass producing biological weapons’ and could unleash smallpox, cholera, plague, and anthrax on US troops,” by Patrick Knox of The Sun, 10/22/17
Diseases that Could Be Used As BioWeapons
Let’s give brief overviews of the diseases, now.
Smallpox: (bacterium Variola minor) A very horrible disease indeed. The last naturally-occurring case was in 1977. It was one of the most severe diseases to afflict mankind, and was “eradicated.” Not in the labs, though. Militaries all over the world (to include the U.S. and North Korea) possess it. The disease is easy enough to reproduce, as cowpox (a similar disease occurring in cattle) can be mutated to form smallpox. The treatment is the smallpox vaccine, which should be administered within 3 days to be able to arrest the disease and heal the patient. The problem is the only smallpox vaccine supplies are controlled by the U.S. government…in their secret warehouses, in unknown numbers…at taxpayer expense.
2. Plague: (the bacterium Yersinia pestis) We just covered treatment medications for the bubonic plague in previous articles, as the pneumonic plague is spreading in Africa (11 nations at the time of this writing), a severe form of bubonic plague that affects the lungs. We mentioned that Ciprofloxacin (or Cipro) is a drug with a long shelf-life that can be acquired for your pet fish from pet veterinary medication suppliers. ‘Nuff said there.
3. Anthrax: (bacterium Bacillus anthracis) The spores of the bacteria are the method this disease is spread. Two forms of antibiotics can be used to treat the infection…Doxycycline, and [Drum-Roll!] Ciprofloxacin, once again.
As I had mentioned in other articles, Cipro has a long shelf life, and as you see here, it can be used against both Anthrax and Plague
The Rest…HERE