North Korea brands Trump ‘old lunatic’ and threatens US with ‘abyss of DOOM’

Wednesday, November 8, 2017
By Paul Martin

NORTH Korea has threatened the US with an “abyss of doom” unless President Donald Trump is ousted from power.

By Tom Towers
Published 8th November 2017

The apocalyptic warning comes as Trump touches down in China to confront the Korean threat.

He will discuss the crisis with Chinese Premier Xi Jingping during the two-day visit and likely urge the nation to ramp up the pressure on tubby tyrant Kim Jong-un.

China is one of the North’s only allies and the regime is furious at the visit.

A statement from the Korean Central News Agency reads: “The US must oust the lunatic old man from power and withdraw the hostile policy towards the DPRK at once in order to get rid of the abyss of doom.

“The US had better make a decisive choice…if it does not want a horrible nuclear disaster and tragic doom.”

China yesterday cancelled all trips to North Korea’s capital Pyongyang in preparation for Trump’s visit.

Washington has previously pressured China to do more rein in its reckless neighbour.

The latest move is likely an attempt to smoke out Kim and cripple his nuclear weapons programme.

The Rest…HERE

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