James Rawles: The Most Common Prepping Mistakes + Investing in Tangibles (Video)
NOVEMBER 8, 2017
What are the easiest things to do wrong in preparing for disaster? James Rawles, founder & Sr Editor of SurvivalBlog.com, returns to Reluctant Preppers to reveal the most common pitfalls – and more importantly – how to AVOID them!
Do any of these sound like you?
Are you over-emphasizing areas you are interested in or knowledgeable about, while neglecting unfamiliar but vital topics?
Are you building a balanced & a set of preps that appropriate for your budget, terrain, climate, stage of life & health?
Are you carful about the company you keep, and how much you reveal to them?
Is your Operational Security (Op Sec) appropriate?
Are you a first-mover or behind the curve in preparedness?
Next, Rawles takes us for a tour of considerations when Investing in Tangibles beyond silver, gold, and lead!
And finally, Rawles addresses and dispells popular Urban Myths About Preppers!