Four Undeniable Signs That the American Collapsing Is Collapsing
By Dave Hodges
November 8th, 2017
The economic collapse of the United States is underway.
There are four unmistakable signs that the American economy is in the midst of collapse”
“Hooverville tent cities are appearing across the western United States.
The American banking empire is showing clear signs of impending collapse.
Key members of the elite are behaving like the elite of 1929 with regard to the Stock Market.
In a stunning development, the key members of the Federal Reserve are actually abandoing the dollar in facor of cryptocurrency.
The Economic Chest Pains Prior to the Heart Attack
A blind man who is paying attention could tell you that all the indicators are there with regard to the fact that an economic collapse is at hand. Let’s begin with the subtle signs which parallel the Great Depression.
We know that the make-shift tent cities emerged in great number during the Depression. They were often referred to as “Hoovervilles” in honor of the bumbling President that did everything wrong when the economic crisis first hit the country. Well, today in America, tent cities are appearing all over the western United States. In Seattle, for example, we are witnessing the proliferation of many high tech companies moving their headquarters to the city where the average home now costs over $700,000 and even rental apartments are reaching correpsonding highs as well. Subsequently there are many working people living in these cities.
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